So you are ready to schedule? You are almost there.

Just a few notes here before we send you over to the booking site.

1 - We take up 2 Tandem Jumpers per flight (2 of you plus 2 instructors). Smaller or larger groups are fine. You are able to watch your friends land and cheer each other on. If at all possible your larger group will be on back to back flights until we get everyone jumped.

2 - Larger groups, if you cannot find room for your group you are welcome to book multiple time spots until you have the correct total number of jumpers. Or call us, we may be able to open up some more spots. 985-415-0289

3 - Smaller and Odd number groups, if possible try to select a time slot that best fits the size of your group.

4 - Deposits are non-refundable. If you pay in full online the first $90 of your payment is still considered a deposit. In cases of bad weather, if you are unable to reschedule with us a refund will be made available. The fees associated with your payment (seen at check out) are non refundable in all cases. These fees are small and cover our booking and processing expenses.